A mirror with a heli and a train. The mirror was on sale. It was previously SD$39.95 and it went down to SD$9.95! It was the perfect colour too! I just had to grab it!
This is a clothes hanger. Bought the hanger at a thrift shop for RM2.00. It was a natural wood colour so I spray painted it blue.
I found these colourful boxes at a two dollar store. It would be very handy for putting his little toy cars and trains in (all 1,578 of them! :o))..
I found this lamp at IKEA. Not as cheap as I would have liked it to be but it compliments all the other stuff so it's a good excuse :o).
Ohh.. and I'm so proud of this growth chart that I made from scratch! I went to the hardware store and got them to cut a long piece of wood for me (for just RM4.00!). Brought it home and spray painted it blue. A lot of measuring and gluing and drawing later.. a growth chart is born! :o)
Glad to say that it all did not cost very much but my son gets all excited every time he looks at them :o) Ahh.. the little pleasures of life :o) Enjoy my little munchkin, mama loves you!
Twigs & Feathers